Espionart is an online research platform, investigating art as diplomacy, propaganda and resistance in the Cold War and its aftermath. Read the Hot Art / Cold War blog and follow on Twitter and Instagram.

Espionart was founded in July 2013 as a blog aiming to reveal the contribution and response of painting, sculpture, photography and the other visual arts to the unique geopolitical and psychological circumstances of the Cold War. The project has since developed to explore the wider relationship between visual culture, politics and ideology, including the role of art in current conflicts and international relations that have their origins in the Cold War. Through weekly posts, Espionart uncovers forgotten facts and stories and gives recommendations on exhibitions to visit, books to read, and artists and artworks to discover.

Espionart is written by Dr Julia Tatiana Bailey, an art historian and curator specialising in Soviet-American cultural exchange. You can find out more about Julia’s research at


One thought on “

  1. This message regards the possible origin of the ‘NATO Star’ iron sculpture at NATO HQ in Brussels. Most likely it is just a co-incidence, but it is very similar in style to an iron sculpture in Toronto where I worked about 25 years ago.

    In fact, when I saw the news report from NATO HQ last week, I had my sound turned down and I thought it was a video shot from a drone close to the top face of one of the weather gods in the statue I remembered which you can see here from behind:

    The construction of the components seems similar, as well as the obtuse triangles. Someone at Environment Canada (Department of the Federal Government) should be able to tell you who sculpted the statue at 4905 Dufferin St, Toronto.

    I hope it helps you out. Even if the two sculptures were made by different artists, it is fairly likely that they would be familiar with each other’s work. Good luck!

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